Making a change
Create or edit a concept and propose changes to register manager.
Making changes
Depending on the change you want to make, pick either Create, Edit or Translate module.
If you don’t have any change requests yet, a new CR will be created for your change.
New CR will be assigned a unique, random-looking ID.
If you want to add a change to an already existing CR, select one in “My draft change requests” panel on top right.
Make the necessary changes in the main module view, and click button that says either “Start new CR” (if you don’t have a CR yet), “Add to CR” (if you are adding a new change to a CR) or “Update CR” (if you are editing an item already existing in your CR).
Reviewing your changes
Navigate to Review module.
Using the “Change requests” panel, select the CR you are drafting.
Using the “Proposed revisions” panel, select an item you changed.

Item details will be shown in the main view.
Item information will be compared to previously accepted revision, or to another revision or language you select using “Language” or “Revisions” panels under “Comparison target” label.
Changes you have made will be highlighted in red (deletions) and green (additions).
Proposing changes
If changes look satisfactory, click the “Propose” button to submit the change request.
Click the green “Synchronize” button on the top of the window and wait for the process to complete.